Hello and a happy Friday to you,
I’m taking two weeks off work at the moment while I undergo egg freezing. I wrote about this decision earlier this summer for the i paper. A few weeks ago I started the egg stimulation process by taking progesterone. Since Sunday, I’ve been injecting hormones every evening and I’ll be giving myself two injections a day before a ‘procedure’ next week.
When I wrote the piece I said I was not 100 per cent certain I wanted to become a mum. However, since I wrote it, life events have helped me realise I definitely do, so I am feeling excited and empowered by this process. It’s a bit daunting doing the injections and regular scans all by myself, but I am grateful to my friends and family for their love and support.
Coincidentally, there’s been an uplifting news story this week about egg freezing – the storage limit for eggs, sperm and embryos is being increased from 10 years to 55. This has been a long time coming and gives more hope for people who want to become parents. However, I appreciate I am in a super privileged position to be able to freeze my eggs and I hope the option will become more financially accessible to everyone who wants to do it.
Being freelance means I have been able to take the time off to look after myself and it’s giving me a chance to put everything I’ve learnt about being a best friend to myself and self-care over the years into practice. I’ve been having reflexology specifically to support the egg freezing process with Katy aka Reflex East, who is endorsed by Period Power author Maisie Hill. I cannot recommend her enough. I also had a holistic massage with the incredible Jessie Percival aka Jessie Lily Therapies to support me on this journey. If you find something that makes you feel amazing, why not make time to treat yourself to it in the next few weeks? Stop putting it off – you’re worth that time, care and effort.
I know self-care isn’t just bubble baths and massages, although those are very nice indeed. As someone who can quite easily fall into a dark hole of not getting out of bed, watching boxsets and attempting to sustain myself on crisps, I’ve been making sure I remember the basics that enable me to keep going. These include no phone after 9pm so I can actually fall asleep, getting up at the same time so I don’t f*ck my sleeping pattern, making sure I get outside and go for a walk, making and eating nourishing food and staying in touch with friends and family.
To give myself something to focus on during this time, I have signed up to Beth Kempton’s Book Proposal Masterclass. I know there is at least one book inside me so I am working on getting that focused while I have the space and am really looking after myself. If you ever get a chance to do one of Beth’s courses, do! I am doing another course of hers concurrently and she is such a kind and generous spirit offering so many tools to unlock creativity.
Uplifting News Stories
Abba delight fans with new 10-song album and virtual concert | BBC
Pregnant Woman And Cat Give Birth At The Same Time | Bored Panda
Amazing images make Photography Awards 2021 shortlist | New Scientist
Also: Sunday Assembly London is back to in-person assemblies after 18 months forced us onto Zoom. There are two a month, there’s a BSL interpreter and they’re also live-streamed on YouTube. Next assembly is on Sunday, September 19, at Conway Hall near Holborn.
Features Worth Sharing
Say Their Names: We must honour the lives lost at the hands of police | Huck
'The Pandemic Has Created A Sexual Harassment Crisis For Women' | Grazia
21 Fascinating Non-Fiction Books That Should Be On Your Radar This Autumn | HuffPost UK
What I’m reading
The brilliant Rosie Wilby was the speaker at Sunday Assembly last weekend and I bought her book. It keeps making me laughing out loud. I love it when a book does that.

Alrighty, that’s it from me, for now.
Look after yourself,
BB x
This is The Uplift, a weekly newsletter by me, journalist Becky Barnes. If you enjoyed it, or my podcast, feel free to buy me a coffee.
The Uplift will arrive in your inbox every Friday, featuring good news and self care. I also have a podcast about life advice.
A bit about me: I’m a journalist living in London. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram.