Wonderful to read your news Becky and thank you as always for your generous support of my work. Shine on xxx

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Thank you Donna πŸ™ πŸ’• 🌻

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May 22Liked by Becky Barnes

Thank you for the post. So good to hear you are thriving ❀️

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Thanks Jane. Was so lovely to bump into you briefly the other day x

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Than you for recommending my Intro to AR workshop :)! Something that's bringing me joy is rediscovering the genius of Tom Lehrer and cackling around the flat listening to his live album 🀩

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Thank you for sharing πŸ’•

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Welcome back! πŸ€—

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Thank you lovely x

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Reading THIS has brought me such joy ❀️❀️❀️I love the life you are creating for yourself Becky 😍rich strong roots creating a loving foundation to grow from. Lovely to have you back and now I’m making a home for myself on Substack I’m looking forward to hanging out with you more on here xxx

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Ah thanks for your kind words Selina. Yay for Substack. Big love to you xxx

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