It makes me feel hopeful, that there are things that can be done and are being down to make the world a better place despite the deluge of bad news. There was a multi-faith peace gathering in trafalgar square on 21st jan- knowing about that, and attending, made me feel better about things, especially with all the war news x

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I stopped watching or reading the ‘news’ in 2009. I’ve been shamed for my lack of understanding of current affairs but I was brought up to believe it’s all biased and inciting and I sunk happily into ignorance.

The ‘New (S)’ confuses me with its veil of The Rational and The Facts masking the clutching, dramatic need to grab attention at any cost.

For me the news, any news is too extreme for my palate. Give me the every day gentleness, chinks of light, moments of deep connection and understanding, the comfort of quiet routine, dignity, treasured ordinariness.

From my perspective, the good things you share aren’t news they’re a reflection of the unbridled hope and persistence of joyous humanity.

And you Becky, are a treasured and precious example of joyous humanity sweetheart xxx

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Jan 23Liked by Becky Barnes

I enjoy personal stories of kindness to others, it reminds me that as humans we are generally empathetic towards each other and often do amazing things to help and support our family, friends and even strangers.

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If I'm a cool kid from using the chat, that is my uplifting news! LOL. So a bit like Kathryn I LOVE small kindness moments, like the 'Good news movement' sometimes shares on IG. Like when someone has arranged for their friends grandmother to travel over for a surprise after years apart. This breaks me open every time. And anything with animals and kindness/rescue. Plus the news when we are shown gentle-men being great fathers/partners and friends. Like on 'We are man enough" account. LOVE LOVE LOVE all of this. I rarely start my day without tender tears and im so grateful for this xxx

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Jan 23Liked by Becky Barnes

I also love anything that inspires wonder in me - such a fascinating facts about the beauty and complexity of Nature 🧡🌿

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Jan 23Liked by Becky Barnes

I love hearing about small kindnesses. Tiny, yet profound, moments of connection, tenderness and open-heartedness. Somehow these move me even more than larger scale loveliness, perhaps because it is never done for attention or personal gain but simply IS. 🧡🌿

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